We encourage family participation

Our policy is that:
  • Parents/guardians and families of the children who attend are always welcome as visitors in our Centre at any time.
  • New families are encouraged to spend time with their children to help settle into the routine. This is flexible to suit the individual needs of the family and their cultural beliefs. The Director will assist the family by completion of an orientation process to familiarise them with the daily routine of the centre.
  • Parents/guardians and other family members are encouraged to be active participants in our program and activities by:
    – Regular newsletters
    – Informal and formal discussions with staff (daily verbal communication and with the Director/Group Leader)
    – Celebrations/special days throughout the year
    – Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend the general meetings and share their ideas
    – Sharing special skills, talents
  • Programming, activities and routines that reflect and foster the involvement of families and the unique characteristics, skills and qualities that each child’s family can bring to the centre.
  • Parents are encouraged to participate in the development of the daily routine and to share their ideas about what they want for their child.
  • Encourage attendance at special events such as open days, meet and greet evening, Christmas party, and/or book fair.
  • Parents/guardians are also invited to share their ideas with the staff and committee members on ways we can encourage families to become involved with the centre.
This policy developed from the following sources: The Childcare Act ‘02, Childcare Regulations ‘03.